[GUIDE] Les techniques de féminisation et de breeding

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Re: [GUIDE] Les techniques de féminisation et de breeding

#16 Message non lu par manivelle »

je sais pas si ça a deja été mentioné mais apres une petite recherche rapide j'ai pas trouvé donc ..

j'ai lu il n'y a pas longtemp que nevil vaporisait des boutures de ses males avec de l'ethylene pour avoir un appercu de quelques specificité de fleurs que donnerais ce male afin de faire ses selection !
voili si ça peut servir a quelqu'un !! :)

[QUOTE=Nevil;58309]When breeding Skunks I used a very effective method. I'd spray the males with ethylene (it's the same hormone that comes off ripening fruit) a few times until they partially reversed. Enough to show me gland structure, resin production and smell.

If you want to talk about genetic bottlenecking, SK1 is a classic case. The best line that I got from Sam, was pretty bloody good. I would say that that was his crowning achievement. I separated 2 lines from the best single parent mating, and kept them appart. One line had Red labels and the other Blue. I kept doing single parent matings using the above mentioned tek. The plan was to put them back together and then give them out. I'm sure that SB has used these wisely.
